Marquette is a very simple way to NFP- when you remember to test! Here are my top 5 hacks for making it even easier to use the Marquette Method.
Tip #1: Testing shelf
Have a hard time remembering to test? Install a corner shelf in your toilet area at about eye level when you are sitting (so you see it when you sit down to pee first thing in the morning). You can store your monitor, sticks and cup in one place that’s easily accessible when you’ve started going first thing in the morning.
Tip #2: Set an alarm
The Clear Blue Fertility Monitor has an alarm function that will beep on testing days!
To set an alarm, open the lid of your monitor and wake it up. From the home screen, in the top right corner, you will see a yellow square with an alarm clock inside. Press that. The monitor will allow you to toggle between off/on for the alarm on testing days. Make sure "On" is light purple. Hit "Ok" in the bottom right. Next, it will ask you to enter a time. Enter the time you want the alarm to go off, then hit the "Ok" button in the bottom right. Voila! On your first day of testing, your monitor will beep until you wake it up and test.
Tip # 3: Testing reminder coffee cup
Check out the shop for my testing reminder mug! One of the tricks to starting a new habit is to tie it to a current, well-formed habit. If you find yourself always grabbing a coffee cup first thing in the morning, it could be a helpful reminder to test. All my clients receive a one-time use coupon to use in the shop. Just another reason to sign up today!
Tip #4: Sticky notes or phone reminders
What if testing isn’t the only thing I need help remembering? A new cycle needs to be started in the monitor by day 4 of your cycle. Otherwise, your testing will be off. When you start a new cycle, you can set a reminder in the calendar function on your phone reminding you to input the information into your monitor. Another idea is to put a sticky note on your box/bag of pads or tampons. That way when you start your next cycle, a little reminder is waiting for you, helping you remember to set up a new cycle. It might not always be easy to remember to start a new cycle in your monitor, but we all look at our phones every day and when that time of the month comes, we always reach for the sanitary products!
Tip #5: Chart location
Have trouble remembering to chart your monitor readings? Try posting it on the wall in your bathroom, near your testing supplies. If you are married and the one responsible for keeping your chart up to date, this can also serve as a helpful reminder to your spouse about when you are in the fertile window!
Set yourself up for success using the Marquette Method by implementing these simple hacks. Want to learn more about Marquette? Why wait?! Sign up for a class today!