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What is Natural Family Planning (NFP)?

  • Natural Family Planning is a natural means of conceiving, spacing or limiting family size by observing the woman's naturally occurring signs of fertility. NFP is holistic in that it doesn't change a woman's natural functioning reproductive system and it doesn't separate the unitive act of intercourse from the procreative. NFP takes into account the whole person and allows spouses to honor and accept each other as whole people. Fertility isn't a disease and it shouldn't be treated as such.


What is the Marquette Method?

  • Marquette Method NFP utilizes technology to monitor the metabolites of two fertility hormones in a woman's urine using the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor or the Mira monitor. Couples who are instructed in the Marquette Method of NFP, can accurately and objectively observe when a woman is fertile to inform their decisions about God's plan for their family.


How do I get started?

  • Couples who are in regular cycles ready to learn Marquette Method NFP can book a Lite session today. Couples who are expecting or recently gave birth, please book a postpartum/breastfeeding session. All protocols utilize the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor or the Mira monitor.


Are there different instructions for women who are breastfeeding or in perimenopause?

  • Yes, any couples who are approaching a transition in fertility such as postpartum/breastfeeding or perimenopause should check out my packaged courses. These courses include instructions with how to use the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor or the Mira monitor with the special instructions that come with navigating those transition periods in a woman's reproductive life. If you are breastfeeding and return to normal cycles, you will need to book the Lite course to learn the Marquette protocol for normal cycles.


But do I have to chart mucus?

  • Women who have used other methods of NFP may have been instructed how to observe and chart their mucus. In using Marquette Method NFP you may chart mucus if you are accustomed to observing and charting mucus, however, it is not necessary to successfully use the method.


I'm a single woman. Can I still learn NFP?

  • Yes! There are many health benefits to understanding and charting your fertility. 


I have been diagnosed with PCOS. Can you help me avoid/acheive a pregnancy?

  • In my experience, there are some unique challenges presented in dealing with PCOS. Hormones are a crazy thing in PCOS! But take heart, by using Marquette Method NFP, you have a bacchelor's degree prepared RN walking with you on this journey. Whether your goal is to avoid a pregnancy, acheive a pregnancy or you just want to regulate and understand your cycles, learning the Marquette Method can be very beneficial. As a BSN, RN, I have the knowledge and resources to help normalize your cycles. These interventions include education in diet, exercise and over the counter supplements. I can also follow up with you after any doctor's appointments to help you understand any testing or lab data that was acquired.


There are multiple sessions included in a package. The class time listed is 1 hour-1 hour and 30 minutes. Are all the sessions this long?

  • No, only the initial consultation and teaching session are 1+ hours. Each package includes 3-6 follow up phone calls. These phone calls typically take between 15-30 minutes, depending on how many questions you have.


Once I purchase a plan, how do I book my class?

  • Using the Book Online tab, you can book your session as soon as three days in advance. When booking, please log in so the session will be deducted from your purchased plan.


But why is it so expensive? How can I justify the cost?

  • I am a stay at home mom to four children. I understand the need to budget and weigh costs versus benefits. When you purchase a Marquette Class from In Caritate you get a bachelor's degree prepared nurse walking with you on your fertility journey- that's a big value!

  • There are no other methods of NFP that utilize a fertility monitor. That comes with a measure of objectivity that is very comforting when it's very important to avoid a pregnancy.

  • The class plus the monitor cost are less than a baby costs. Or delivering a baby/paying the doctor or midwife. Or pelvic floor therapy, or marriage therapy for that matter. Of course every new life is a precious gift- and sometimes it's not the right time to receive the gift. You deserve a method of NFP that allows you to navigate avoiding a pregnancy with a high rate of efficacy, WITHOUT abstaining for long stretches of time, even during transitions in fertility.


Which monitor is right for me? Clear Blue or Mira?

  • Check out this blog post for an in depth comparison!

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